Quotes about Vigilance
Fear is the foundation of safety.
- Tertullian
Who shall guard the guardians? Who shall see that the guardians commit no offenses?
- Frank Herbert
To stay awake all night adds a day to your life
- Frank Herbert
The people know their rights, and they are never slow to assert and maintain them when they are invaded.
- Abraham Lincoln
man he made and for him built Magnificent this world, and earth his seat, Him lord pronounced; and, Oh indignity! Subjected to his service angel-wings, And flaming ministers to watch and tend Their earthly charge: Of these the vigilance I dread; and, to elude, thus wrapped in mist Of midnight vapor glide obscure, and pry In every bush and brake, where hap may find The serpent sleeping; in whose mazy folds To hide me, and the dark intent I bring. —PARADISE LOST, JOHN MILTON
- Sandra Byrd
since Satan is always breathing down our necks, and is ready and scheming to plunge us into a thousand perils, we ought to be no less watchful and on our guard.
- John Calvin
To prevent evil is the great end of government, the end for which vigilance and severity are properly employed.
- Samuel Johnson
While the people retain their virtue, and vigilance, no administration, by any extreme of wickedness or folly, can very seriously injure the government, in the short space of four years.
- Abraham Lincoln
Beware the abuse of Power. Both by those we disagree with, as well as those we may agree with
- Ben Carson
The devil is after our "gardens," too—our families, homes, marriages, churches, cities, etc. Our responsibility as watchmen is to keep the devil out.
- Dutch Sheets
The first responsibility of watchmen is to keep the serpent out of their God-given gardens.
- Dutch Sheets
Keeping the serpent out of our gardens is the primary assignment of watchmen.
- Dutch Sheets