Quotes about Vigilance
Our lives hang in the balance of unpredictable situations. One minute you're driving down the road whistling a tune, the next moment the car right in front of you spins out of control and crashes. How you prepare for those unpredictable occurrences determines whether you live or die. Always leave an empty lane to your right or left for escape.
- Ted Dekker
Make sure your soul is attached at all times - this town will steal it in a second, given the chance.
- Ted Dekker
No method nor discipline can supersede the necessity of being forever on the alert. What is a course of history, or philosophy, or poetry, no matter how well selected, [...] compared with the discipline of looking always at what is to be seen?
- Henry David Thoreau
We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aid, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn.
- Henry David Thoreau
For you yourselves know that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. 1 Thessalonians 5:2
- Henry Blackaby
The true Christian is called to be a soldier and must behave as such from the day of his conversion to the day of his death. He is not meant to live a life of religious ease, indolence and security. He must never imagine for a moment that he can sleep and doze along the way to heaven, like one traveling in an easy carriage.
- JC Ryle
God's eye does not slumber. He knows every sin that is hidden from mortal eye.
- Ellen White
Freedom must be continually guarded as something more priceless than life itself.
- Ezra Taft Benson
The more closely we see ourselves being watched by our enemies, the more time intent we should be to avoid their slanders.
- John Calvin
I like to think that Henry James said his classic line, A writer is someone on whom nothing is lost, while looking for his glasses, and that they were on top of his head.
- Anne Lamott
A writer is someone on whom nothing is lost
- Anne Lamott
Do we play anymore, step away from tasks, duties, and habits with curiosity? Tread carefully: if you are not vigilant, this may lead to wonder, which is joy, which every fear in you knows will lead to job failure and lost revenue.
- Anne Lamott