Quotes about Solved
Before sunset on the seventh day, the men of the city said to Samson: “What is sweeter than honey? And what is stronger than a lion?” So he said to them: “If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have solved my riddle!”
- Judges 14:18
For a man of his age, fifty-two, divorced, he has, to his mind, solved the problem of sex rather well.
- JM Coetzee
We are to find God in what we know, not in what we don't know; God wants us to realize his presence, not in unsolved problems but in those that are solved.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Life is a Mystery, not a problem waiting to be solved.
- Albert Einstein
There's no mystery about a human life. It's not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
- Frank Herbert
Washington doesn't have just a spending problem, or just an entitlement problem, or just a taxing problem. We have a leadership problem. Fix that, and the first three problems are solved.
- Mark McKinnon
If a problem has a solution, to worry is no use, for in the end it will be solved. If a problem has no solution, there is no reason to worry, because it cannot be solved.
- Richard Paul Evans
Since integration is so slow, and the white man knows the problem must be solved, the only thing that he can do tomorrow is, is separate, because we're already separated.
- Malcolm X