Quotes about Code
Such was the code that the world had accepted and such was the key to the code: that it hooked man's love of existence to a circuit of torture, so that only the man who had nothing to offer would have nothing to fear, so that the virtues which made life possible and the values which gave it meaning became the agents of its destruction, so that one's best became the tool of one's agony, and man's life on earth became impractical.
- Ayn Rand
A code that forbids you to cast the first stone, has forbidden you to admit the identity of stones and to know when or if you're being stoned.
- Ayn Rand
Every political system is based on some code of ethics.
- Ayn Rand
I bent down to read the inscription: GSS—13th Floor—Vault #42—8675309.
- Ernest Cline
GSS—13th Floor—Vault #42—8675309.
- Ernest Cline
The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity, which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day.
- Steven Pressfield
RESISTANCE NEVER SLEEPS Henry Fonda was still throwing up before each stage performance, even when he was seventy-five. In other words, fear doesn't go away. The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity, which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day.
- Steven Pressfield
We have changed our moral code to fit our behavior instead of changing our behavior to harmonize with God's moral code.
- Billy Graham
Time is running out. The seconds are ticking away toward midnight. The human race is about to take the fatal plunge . . . Is there any authority left? Is there a path we can follow? Can we find a code book that will give us the key to our dilemmas? We do have authoritative source material. It is found in the ancient and historic Book we call the Bible.
- Billy Graham
Christianity is not an ethical code. It is a love affair, a Spirit-filled way of living aimed at making us professional lovers of God and people.
- Brennan Manning
The living Church of the redeemed is his book. He founded a religion of the living spirit, not of a written code, like the Mosaic law. Yet his words and deeds are recorded by as honest and reliable witnesses as ever put pen to paper.
- Philip Schaff
Our heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings.
- Walt Disney