Quotes about Solution
When we see something as a problem, we have to try and solve it and the best way is generally through education.
- Chris Hughton
I'm a pretty good problem solver.
- Frances Tiafoe
Blind acceptance never leads to a solution; at best it leads only to a standstill and is paid for heavily in the next generation.
- Carl Jung
I recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. And I have always recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the independent, fully sovereign Palestinian state that we all want to emerge from negotiations toward a true two-state solution.
- Eric Garcetti
there is a solution for every legitimate problem, no matter how difficult the problem may seem.
- Napoleon Hill
An important principle of living by faith is knowing that if God is the cause of whatever issue you are facing, then only God can be the solution.
- Tony Evans
God will often allow us to be in a situation with no possible solution. This is so we can discover that He is our solution. He lets us hit rock bottom in order for us to learn that He is the Rock at the bottom.
- Tony Evans
At what age , he wonders, did Origen castrate himself? Not the most graceful solution, but then ageing is not a graceful bussines.
- JM Coetzee
A positive mind finds a way it can be done; a negative mind looks for all the ways it can't be done.
- Napoleon Hill
If you lack wisdom in regard to a problem, you need to go to God in prayer.
- J. Vernon McGee
It is important to remember that for every person, there will be a problem. Even more importantly, for every problem, our God has a prescription!
- Bishop TD Jakes
Nevertheless his prodigious intellectual powers persisted unabated. In 1696, the Swiss mathematician Johann Bernoulli challenged his colleagues to solve an unresolved issue called the brachistochrone problem, specifying the curve connecting two points displaced from each other laterally, along which a body, acted upon only by gravity, would fall in the shortest time.
- Carl Sagan