Quotes about City
A great city is the place to escape the true drama of provincial life, and find solace in fantasy.
- GK Chesterton
Pandemonium, city and proud seat of Lucifer.
- John Milton
Glorious things of thee are spoken,Zion, city of our God.
- John Newton
Heaven is a good place. I long to be there and behold my lovely Jesus, who gave His life for me, and be changed into His glorious image. Oh, for language to express the glory of the bright world to come! I thirst for the living streams that make glad the city of our God.—The Adventist Home, pp. 542, 543.
- Ellen White
Politicians have patronised and talked down to us all when it comes to our economy, but ordinary working people have to manage on incomes significantly lower than the likes of George Osborne and his friends in the City. They could teach the bankers and many commentators a thing or two about managing a budget responsibly.
- John McDonnell
Babylon was and is a timeless trope for empires and nations and powers that systematize injustices, oppress the people of God, and suppress the truths of liberation. Babylon is no more a city of the future than it is a city of the here and now.
- Scot McKnight
Babylon will never be the new Jerusalem; it cannot be Christianized.
- Scot McKnight
When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always 20 years behind the times.
- Mark Twain
In due time the shores of Italy were sighted, and as we stood gazing from the decks, early in the bright summer morning, the stately city of Genoa rose up out of the sea and flung back the sunlight from her hundred palaces.
- Mark Twain
But they that evil entreat Christ's faithful ministers, especially in that wherein they are faithful, shall be severely punished: Matt. x. 14, 15, "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the sinners of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.
- Jonathan Edwards
Glorify thou the word of the Lord, which hath glorified thee. Take heed lest for neglect of either, God remove thy candlestick out of the midst of thee; lest being now as a city upon an hill, which many seek unto, thou be left like a beacon upon the top of a mountain, desolate and forsaken. If we walk unworthy of the Gospel brought unto us, the greater our mercy hath been in the enjoying of it, the greater will our judgment be for the contempt. Be instructed, and take heed.
- Jonathan Edwards
In great cities men are brought together by the desire of gain. They are not in a state of cooperation, but of isolation, as to the making of fortunes; and for all the rest they are careless of neighbors. Christianity teaches us to love our neighbour as ourself; modern society acknowledges no neighbour.
- Benjamin Disraeli