Quotes about City
They are saying, ‘Is not the time near to build houses? The city is the cooking pot, and we are the meat.’
- Ezekiel 11:3
You have multiplied those you killed in this city and filled its streets with the dead.
- Ezekiel 11:6
Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: The slain you have laid within this city are the meat, and the city is the pot; but I will remove you from it.
- Ezekiel 11:7
I will bring you out of the city and deliver you into the hands of foreigners, and I will execute judgments against you.
- Ezekiel 11:9
The city will not be a pot for you, nor will you be the meat within it. I will judge you even to the borders of Israel.
- Ezekiel 11:11
And the glory of the LORD rose up from within the city and stood over the mountain east of the city.
- Ezekiel 11:23
I will tear down the wall you whitewashed and level it to the ground, so that its foundation is exposed. The city will fall, and you will be destroyed within it. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
- Ezekiel 13:14
But when you built your mounds at the head of every street and made your lofty shrines in every public square, you were not even like a prostitute, because you scorned payment.
- Ezekiel 16:31
He plucked off its topmost shoot, carried it to the land of merchants, and planted it in a city of traders.
- Ezekiel 17:4
“As for you, son of man, will you judge her? Will you pass judgment on the city of bloodshed? Then confront her with all her abominations
- Ezekiel 22:2
and tell her that this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘O city who brings her own doom by shedding blood within her walls and making idols to defile herself,
- Ezekiel 22:3
Those near and far will mock you, O infamous city, full of turmoil.
- Ezekiel 22:5