Quotes about City
The dregs of Romulus.
- Cicero
The first time I ever saw St. Louis, I could have bought it for six million dollars, and it was the mistake of my life that I did not do it.
- Mark Twain
Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles.
- Frank Lloyd Wright
Daily there have to be many troubles and trials in every house, city, and country. No station in life is free of suffering and pain, both from your own, like your wife or children or household help or subjects, and from the outside, from your neighbors and all sorts of accidental trouble.
- Martin Luther
As I like to say to the people in Montgomery: "The tension in this city is not between white people and Negro people. The tension is, at bottom, between justice and injustice, between the forces of light and the forces of darkness."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Think of the kingdom agenda of the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5—7), which itself points ahead to the cross: Jesus himself loves his enemies, goes where the Roman soldiers force him to go, and turns the other cheek before being set like a city on a hill, like a light on a pole. To
- NT Wright
the moment when the kingdom of God overcomes the kingdoms of the world. It is the moment when a great old door, locked and barred since our first disobedience, swings open suddenly to reveal not just the garden, opened once more to our delight, but the coming city, the garden city that God had always planned and is now inviting us to go through the door and build with him. The dark power that stood in the way of this kingdom vision has been defeated, overthrown, rendered null and void. Its
- NT Wright
Tarsus, a noble city in Cilicia, ten miles inland on the river Cydnus in the southeast corner of modern Turkey
- NT Wright
The axis of the earth sticks out visibly through the centre of each and every town or city.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
And Cain had relations with his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch. Then Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch.
- Genesis 4:17
Then the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men were building.
- Genesis 11:5
So the LORD scattered them from there over the face of all the earth, and they stopped building the city.
- Genesis 11:8