Quotes about Solitude
If I were invited to a dinner party with my characters, I wouldn't show up.
- Dr. Seuss
Good bye, proud world! I'm going home; Thou art not my friend, and I'm not thine
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Most of us have a "Do Not Disturb" sign around our necks.
- Joyce Meyer
The ability to be alone with your thoughts is, in fact, one of the key advantages of working remotely. When you work on your own, far away from the buzzing swarm at headquarters, you can settle into your own productive zone. You can actually get work done—the same work that you couldn't get done at work! Yes
- Jason Fried
All alone! Whether you like it or not, alone is something you'll be quite a lot!
- Dr. Seuss
As the pain that can be told is but half a pain, so the pity that questions has little healing in its touch. What Lily craved was the darkness made by enfolding arms, the silence which is not solitude, but compassion holding its breath.
- Edith Wharton
In every heart there should be one grief that is like a well in the desert.
- Edith Wharton
They stood together in the gloom of the spruces, an empty world glimmering about them wide and gray under the stars.
- Edith Wharton
Little as she was addicted to solitude, there had come to be moments when it seemed a welcome escape from the empty noises of her life.
- Edith Wharton
She often climbed up the hill and lay there alone for the mere pleasure of feeling the wind and of rubbing her cheeks in the grass. Generally at such times she did not think of anything, but lay immersed in an in an inarticulate well-being.
- Edith Wharton
One may be strengthened & fed without the aid of Joy, & no one knows it better than I do; & I believe I know the only cure, which is to make one's center of life inside of one's self, not selfishly or excludingly, but with a kind of unassailable serenity—to decorate one's inner house so richly that one is content there, glad to welcome anyone who wants to come and stay, but happy all the same when one is inevitably alone.
- Edith Wharton
All general privations are great, because they are all terrible; vacuity, darkness, solitude, and silence .
- Edmund Burke