Quotes about Solitude
If I were to ask about my seven months at the Abbey, Did it work, did I solve my problems? the simple answer would be, It did not work, it did not solve my problems. And I know that a year, two years, or even a lifetime as a Trappist monk would not have worked either. Because a monastery is not built to solve problems but to praise the Lord in the midst of them.
- Henri Nouwen
When we are alone with God, the Spirit prays in us. The challenge is to develop a simple discipline or spiritual practice to embrace some empty time and empty space every day.
- Henri Nouwen
Silence is the discipline that helps us to go beyond the entertainment quality of our lives.
- Henri Nouwen
Your way of being present to your community may require times of absence, prayer, writing, or solitude. These too are times for your community.
- Henri Nouwen
Our primary task in solitude, therefore, is not to pay undue attention to the many faces which assail us, but to keep the eyes of our mind and heart on him who is our divine savior.
- Henri Nouwen
When we live with a solitude of heart, we can listen with attention to the words and the worlds of others, but when we are driven by loneliness, we tend to select just those remarks and events that bring immediate satisfaction to our own craving needs.
- Henri Nouwen
Thus, discipline is the creation of boundaries that keep time and space open for God. Solitude requires discipline, worship requires discipline, caring for others requires discipline. They all ask us to set apart a time and a place where God's gracious presence can be acknowledged and responded to.
- Henri Nouwen
It is in this solitude that we discover that being is more important than having, and that we are worth more than the result of our efforts.
- Henri Nouwen
Compassion is the fruit of solitude and the basis of all ministry.
- Henri Nouwen
But in Solitude, we can pay attention to our inner self
- Henri Nouwen
Rembrandt portrays the father as the man who has transcended the ways of his children. His own loneliness and anger may have been there, but they have been transformed by suffering and tears. His loneliness has become endless solitude, his anger boundless gratitude. This is who I have to become. I see it as clearly as I see the immense beauty of the father's emptiness and compassion. Can I let the younger and the elder son grow in me to the maturity of the compassionate father?
- Henri Nouwen
In solitude we discover that community is not a common ideology, but a response to a common call.
- Henri Nouwen