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Quotes about Cross

In whatever way the New Testament tells the story of the cross, it is always the story of self-giving divine love.
- NT Wright
The point is this. If you want to know what it means to talk about God being 'in charge of' the world, or being 'in control', or being 'sovereign', then Jesus himself instructs you to rethink the notion of 'kingdom', 'control' and 'sovereignty' themselves, around his death on the cross.
- NT Wright
By the time Jesus's body was taken down from the cross, Paul believed, these "rulers and authorities" had been stripped, shamed, and defeated.
- NT Wright
Because of the cross, the world as a whole is free to give allegiance to the God who made it.
- NT Wright
From the earliest writings we have, it was seen as the direct and necessary result of the creator God overthrowing on the cross the powers that had kept the nations captive. Up to now the nations had been enslaved; the cross had opened the gates to freedom.
- NT Wright
Christian mission means implementing the victory that Jesus won on the cross. Everything else follows from this.
- NT Wright
The revolution of the cross sets us free to be the royal priesthood, and the only thing stopping us is our lack of vision and our failure to realize that this was why the Messiah died in the first place.
- NT Wright
enjoined on all Jesus followers—takes place in the context of the initial victory won on the cross.
- NT Wright
the victory of the cross will be implemented through the means of the cross.
- NT Wright
As we shall see, it is only when we take fully into account the gospel writers' belief that Jesus was involved in the ultimate battle against the ultimate forces of evil that we can begin to see how their combination of kingdom and cross—and, looking wider, of incarnation, kingdom, cross, and resurrection—makes sense.
- NT Wright
The New Testament insists, in book after book, that when Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross, something happened as a result of which the world is a different place. And the early Christians insisted that when people are caught up in the meaning of the cross, they become part of this difference.
- NT Wright
When God sent His only Son, Jesus, to this earth to bear your sin and mine on the cross, He put a price tag on us—He declared the value of our soul to be greater than the value of the whole world. Whose opinion are you going to accept? Believing a lie will put you in bondage. Believing the Truth will set you free.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss