Quotes about Cross
By Thy birth, and by Thy Cross, Rescue him from endless loss; By Thy death and burial, Save him from a final fall; By Thy rising from the tomb, By Thy mounting up above, By the Spirit's gracious love, Save him in the day of doom.
- John Henry Newman
Out of the cross comes the resurrection. Out of weakness comes real strength.
- Timothy Keller
If you have never felt or known the sheer power and strength of God's love, take another look at Jesus dying on the cross.
- NT Wright
If there were more than one path to salvation then it would totally negate Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, his life, his teachings.
- Josh McDowell
In coming to Christ we don't bring our old life up to a higher plane; we leave it at the cross.
- AW Tozer
At the cross God wrapped his heart in flesh and blood and let it be nailed to the cross for our redemption.
- E Stanley Jones
If the disease is sin, the remedy is found at the Cross.
- Ed Stetzer
Jesus did not say "make converts" or "teach them to pray a particular prayer." Rather, this is about people who are born again through the power of the Savior who died and rose again. You and I are to participate in the work of multiplying the number of surrendered learners and followers of Christ. We are to lead people into the kingdom by way of the Cross.
- Ed Stetzer
Jesus Christ paid the price for our eternal salvation through the shedding of His blood on Calvary's cross for all men—equally.
- Franklin Graham
Love begets love; and thus the love of Christ displayed upon the cross woos and wins the sinner and binds him repenting to the cross, believing and adoring the matchless depths of a Saviour's love.
- Ellen White
Thank You, Jesus, that through the cross You gave me unconditional access to the throne of God.
- Andrew Murray
The man or woman who doesn't forgive has forgotten the price that Christ paid for them on the Cross.
- John Bevere