Quotes about Cross
The weapon of choice for Jesus was the cross. The Lamb of Revelation slays with the sword that proceeds from his mouth. Christian realism compromises the way of the Lamb because true realism is a deep reality that sees God on the throne and the Lamb in its center.
- Scot McKnight
This command, as Bonhoeffer routinely observes, is anchored in the cross that Jesus himself bore. This is why Bonhoeffer can also say, "Only those who there, in the cross of Jesus, find faith in the victory over evil can obey his command.
- Scot McKnight
James taught me that there is nothing that shows the world what God is like more clearly than when we love our enemies. Despite the reality that throughout the New Testament the cross is not only how God saves us, it is how we witness to that salvation.
- Scot McKnight
Every time I look at the cross I am reminded of the greatness of God and the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. I am reminded of the beauty of sacrificial love and the majesty of unswerving devotion to truth.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
We must see the cross as the magnificent symbol of love conquering hate and of light overcoming darkness. But in the midst of this glowing affirmation, let us never forget that our Lord and Master was nailed to that cross because of human blindness. Those who crucified him knew not what they did.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Christianity has always insisted that the cross we bear precedes the crown we wear. To be a Christian one must take up his cross, with all its difficulties and agonizing and tension-packed content, and carry it until that very cross leaves its mark upon us and redeems us to that more excellent way which comes only through suffering.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Cross is the eternal expression of the length to which God will go to in order to restore broken community.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
The world says love yourself, grab all you can, follow your heart. Jesus says deny yourself, grab your cross and follow me.
- Francis Chan
God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, 'I love you.'
- Billy Graham
The thing that kept Christ on that cross was love, not the nail.
- Billy Graham
At the end of the day, God's love for me, for you, and for the world is settled at the cross.
- Andy Stanley
The cross reminds us that there is no true love without suffering, there is no gift of life without pain.
- Pope Benedict XVI