Quotes about Substitutes
The tragedy of polytheism and idolatry is not the arithmetic (many gods instead of one), but that they exchange the only true source of salvation for lifeless and powerless substitutes, and in doing so, introduce injustice, bondage, and cruelty into human life (cf. Rom. 1:21—32).
- Christopher Wright
Drugs, cataplasms, and whiskey are stupid substitutes for the dignity and potency of divine mind and its efficacy to heal.
- Mary Baker Eddy
When men don't have God, they need substitutes. To my way of thinking, whiskey is a poor substitute—but many men depend upon it. But what I am angry about is that they didn't obey my orders.
- Janette Oke
I sometimes wonder whether all pleasures are not substitutes for joy.
- CS Lewis
Thousands of people have entered churches without discovering a vital experience with Jesus Christ. The substitutes have been handed them in the guise of religious rituals, good works, community effort, or social reform... none of which can gain a person a right relationship with God.
- Billy Graham
I sometimes wonder whether all pleasures are not substitutes for joy.
- CS Lewis
Comfortable people tend to see the church as a quaint antique shop where they can worship old things as substitutes for eternal things.
- Fr. Richard Rohr