Quotes about Believers
The choicest believers, who are assuredly freed from the condemning power of sin, ought yet to make it their business all their days to mortify the indwelling power of sin.
- John Owen
the story of Ruth . . .was written to give us encouragement and hope that all the perplexing turns in our lives are going somewhere good. They do not lead off a cliff. In all the setbacks of our lives as believers, God is plotting for our joy.
- John Piper
The church is not called to be responsible for the way unbelievers run their lives. But we are called to be responsible, by the power of the Spirit and for the glory of Jesus, for the way believers live and the kind of relationships that are cultivated in the fellowship of the church.
- John Piper
Let us strive to educate the believers to rejoice in the Lord. Spiritual joy is the result of active faith. God's people are to be full of faith and of the Holy Spirit. Then He will be glorified in them.—Bible Training School, April 1, 1905.
- Ellen White
Jesus taught that the mark of the Christian is the observable love shown among all true believers.
- Francis Schaeffer
If God does not know with certainty all that will come to pass, as Open Theism argues, believers cannot have the assurance that God has a purpose for every event of their life. Tragedies may occur that God did not specifically ordain or allow, for he did not even know for certain that they would come about. Against such a notion, Scripture encourages believers to look for the hand of God in the midst of their hardships (Exod. 4:11; Heb. 12:3—13). 2.
- Gregory Boyd
Faith and pride. If people think that sanctification adds anything to their justification, there is room for them to become spiritually prideful. At the very least, they can begin to congratulate themselves that they are less in need of God's sheer grace than they once were and no doubt less in need than other believers now are.
- Gregory Boyd
There is possibly nothing that can so radically change the Church and the lives of individual believers as having our criticisms changed into intercession
- Rick Joyner
When believers allow sin and compromise to be in their lives, it drains away the power in the work of the Cross and the power of the Spirit that is resident in a believer's life.
- Rick Renner
Speaking as God's spokesmen is one of the greatest responsibilities ever given to us as believers. We must handle His Word carefully and do our best to impart its powerful truth in its purest form to others.
- Rick Renner
Evangelism was not a program in the Jerusalem church; it was a way of life. The believers' lives and behaviors created such favor with the population of Jerusalem that people we drawn to the Lord.
- David Jeremiah
When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, 'Repent,' he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.
- Martin Luther