Quotes about Worldly
When the worldly toys in which we foolishly place our hopes for happiness are taken away from us, our foolishness is also taken away, and this brings us closer to true happiness, which is not in worldly things but in wisdom.
- Peter Kreeft
Next it dawned on him that the former ideas were of the world, the latter God-sent; finally, worldly thoughts began to lose their hold, while heavenly ones grew clearer and dearer.
- Ignatius of Loyola
Having more of this world never fulfills. Only more of Christ does.
- Craig Groeschel
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds' (2 Cor. 10:3-4). The Greek word translated as strongholds is ochuroma (pronounced oak-EW-ROH-muh), which means to fortify, lock up, or imprison. This is what our enemy tries to do to us. He lies to us until we're convinced that we're stuck and can never escape our problems.
- Craig Groeschel
If you catch yourself wondering why you want more of the world and you're not satisfied with God, it's because you have a spiritual problem.
- Craig Groeschel
Seek only light and freedom and do not immerse yourself too deeply in the worldly mire.
- Vincent Van Gogh
The temptation that Jesus resisted in the wildreness [a crown without a cross; worldly glory], many of us, His followers, still long for.
- Philip Yancey
You see, between us and God's wisdom is a valley, a place of humility. We have to lay aside worldly wisdom. We have to become fools in the eyes of the world in order that we may really enter into God's wisdom.
- Derek Prince
Rarely do we see a person so entirely taken up with spiritual matters, that attention to this world's affairs is made a secondary matter or postponed. And why is it so? Simply because true conversions to God are uncommon.
- JC Ryle
There is a common worldly kind of Christianity in this day, which many have, and think they have enough. This cheap Christianity . . . offends nobody, requires no sacrifice, costs nothing, and is worth nothing!
- JC Ryle
This book proves that a godly attitude lies at the heart of Christian leadership. It does not borrow principles of leadership from the world and apply them to the church, but rather derives principles of leadership directly from the Scriptures.
- J. Oswald Sanders
God's weapons are His Word, wisdom, and counsel. Worldly weapons are society's philosophy, culture, customs, laws, or lifestyles that are contrary to God's Word. You may question, "The world has weapons?" Oh yes, there is a continual onslaught of hell via the world's system to compromise the Christian and unbeliever alike.
- John Bevere