Quotes about Demands
A sense of humor is a requisite to surviving in our demanding world.
- Janette Oke
As long as I live under the capitalistic system I expect to have my life influenced by the demands of moneyed people. But I will be damned if I propose to be at the beck and call of every itinerant scoundrel who has two cents to invest in a postage stamp. This, sir, is my resignation.
- William Faulkner
It's so easy to get caught up in the demands of life. And we all take refuge at times in routines and recliners and 'usual' anything!
- Bruce Wilkinson
Riches, when they come in huge quantities, are never the result of HARD work! Riches come, if they come at all, in response to definite demands, based upon the application of definite principles, and not by chance or luck. Generally speaking, an idea is an impulse of thought that impels action
- Napoleon Hill
The only real escape from the demands of the flesh is to find something more than the flesh to love; and that Mary is the refuge of sinners.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Technology, Andrew says, makes us far too accessible to the demands and pressures of the moment. 'Our first priority should be listening in patience and silence for the voice of God.
- Brother Andrew
Power is love implementing the demands of justice. Justice is love correcting everything that goes against love.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Not understanding is OK. Restricting our spiritual life to what we understand is not. It is immaturity at best. Such a controlling spirit is destructive to the development of a Christ-like nature. God responds to faith but will not surrender to our demands for control.
- Bill Johnson
The essence of professionalism is the focus upon the work and its demands, while we are doing it, to the exclusion of all else. The ancient Spartans schooled themselves to regard the enemy, any enemy, as nameless and faceless. In other words, they believed that if they did their work, no force on earth could stand against them.
- Steven Pressfield
Who are these pilots anyway? They get the best of everything; their demands eat up the defense budget. Can we count on them? What do they do except wear Ray-Bans and eat steaks and go home each night to sleep on clean sheets?
- Steven Pressfield
God gave laws to His people to bless them, not to burden them. Every rule either elevates the quality of human life or restores one's relationship with God after a breach. He makes no extraneous demands and He is never capricious.
- Charles Swindoll
To sentimentalize something is to savor rather than to suffer the sadness of it, is to sigh over the prettiness of it rather than to tremble at the beauty of it, which may make demands of us or pose fearsome threats.
- Frederick Buechner