The entrance to the bottom floor was on the south side of the temple. A stairway led up to the middle level, and from there to the third floor.
- 1 Kings 6:8
So Isaiah the prophet called out to the LORD, and He brought the shadow back the ten steps it had descended on the stairway of Ahaz.
- 2 Kings 20:11
I will make the sun’s shadow that falls on the stairway of Ahaz go back ten steps.’” So the sunlight went back the ten steps it had descended.
- Isaiah 38:8
The side rooms surrounding the temple widened at each successive level, because the structure surrounding the temple ascended by stages corresponding to the narrowing of the temple wall as it rose upward. And so a stairway went up from the lowest story to the highest, through the middle one.
- Ezekiel 41:7
"Pass in, pass in," the angels say,"In to the upper doors,Nor count compartments of the floors,But mount to paradiseBy the stairway of surprise."