Quotes about Health
I never smoke to excess - that is, I smoke in moderation, only one cigar at a time.
- Mark Twain
People pulling 16-hour days on a regular basis are exhausted. They're just too tired to notice that their work has suffered because of it.
- Jason Fried
Health and wealth can disappear instantly, as can life itself. Rejoice in your insufficiency, knowing that My Power is made perfect in weakness.
- Sarah Young
hope in a variety of things—wealth, power, health, medical treatments
- Sarah Young
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. —PROVERBS 17:22
- Sarah Young
Any serious pondering of all of life through the Golden Rule is dangerous for our moral health because it will summon us — I know I feel this way just writing the above paragraphs — to live under the King and as one of his kingdom citizens.
- Scot McKnight
Insomnia never comes to a man who has to get up exactly at six o'clock. Insomnia troubles only those who can sleep any time.
- Elbert Hubbard
Even for the diseases we don't focus on, cancer, heart disease, you're going to be way better off being sick 10 years from now than any time in the past.
- Bill Gates
Get a bicycle. You will not regret it, if you live.
- Mark Twain
As regards his health--and the rest of the things--the average man is what his environment and his superstitions have made him; and their function is to make him an ass. He can't add up three or four new circumstances together and perceive what they mean; it is beyond him. He is not capable of observing for himself; he has to get everything at second-hand. If what are miscalled the lower animals were as silly as man is, they would all perish from the earth in a year.
- Mark Twain
All diets are wholesome. Some are wholesomer than others, but all the ordinary diets are wholesome enough for the people who use them. Whether the food be fine or coarse it will taste good and it will nourish if a watch be kept upon the appetite and a little starvation introduced every time it weakens.
- Mark Twain
The billiard table is better than the doctor.
- Mark Twain