Quotes about Health
The healthiest body is the one that feels the pain of its weakest parts.
- Philip Yancey
The role of a doctor may be the most revealing image in thinking about God and sin. What a doctor does for me physically - guide me toward health - God does for me spiritually. I am learning to view sins not as an arbitrary list of rules drawn up by a cranky Judge, but rather as a list of dangers that must be avoided at all costs - for our own sakes.
- Philip Yancey
the best way to prepare for suffering is to work on a strong, supportive life when you're healthy.
- Philip Yancey
Dr. Brand said, in a comment that has always stayed with me, "A healthy body attends to the pain of the weakest part.
- Philip Yancey
Blessed are You God, ruler of the world, Who created man in wisdom and created within him numerous orifices and spaces. It is known and revealed before You that if one of them should open when it should close or one of them should close when it should open, it would be impossible for us to exist. Blessed are You God, Who heals all mankind and does wonders.
- Dennis Prager
No one can rationally believe doing God's will guarantees one will, for example, never develop cancer or die in an earthquake. If that were the case, we would have to draw the irrational and cruel conclusion that anyone who dies prematurely was being punished by God—or the equally irrational conclusion that all those who live long and healthy lives have lived God-centered lives.
- Dennis Prager
He made a powerful distinction between healing and curing: Curing involves the resolution of the illness but was not always possible. Healing, he said, was coming to wholeness and could happen whether or not the illness was curable.
- Desmond Tutu
Just as this scale predicted the future health and happiness of the children in this study, so does knowing and telling our own stories of harm predict our future health and happiness in recovering from that trauma. When we know our stories and make sense of what has happened, we get connected to the larger story of our lives and its meaning. We become more resilient, we are able to handle stress, and we heal.
- Desmond Tutu
Don't get old, if you can avoid it.
- Billy Graham
I started drinking BodyArmor as a daily deal.
- Kyler Murray
I have always eaten well.
- Linford Christie
When we hate our enemies, we are giving them power over us: power over our sleep, our appetites, our blood pressure, our health, and our happiness.
- Dale Carnegie