Quotes about Health
We do not mark out any precise line to be followed in diet; but we do say that in countries where there are fruits, grains, and nuts in abundance, flesh food is not the right food for God's people.
- Ellen White
Where God is not glorified, that place is sick.
- AW Tozer
Sickness has frequently been of more use to the saints of God than health has.
- Charles Spurgeon
The healthiest and holiest people are the people who laugh at themselves the most. Failure helps us take God more seriously and ourselves less seriously.
- Mark Batterson
Good food is healthy food. Food is supposed to sustain you so you can live better, not so you can eat more. Some people eat to live, and some people live to eat.
- Yolanda Adams
A lot of psychological principles and even medical principles, you see them coming around to what the Bible said hundreds of years ago: a merry heart is good like a medicine.
- Joel Osteen
Just listen to your body, eat in silence and see what feels good and you will spontaneously choose the foods that are beneficial to you.
- Deepak Chopra
Strive to be in good spiritual and bodily health. Because how are you going to do all that marching if you are not in good health?
- Alveda King
[Africa] is the one continent where you still have a lot more young people than old people. So making sure they're healthy, good nutrition, good education. That'll be important for the world.
- Bill Gates
Not everybody is going to run a marathon or do a triathlon. It's not necessary to do that to be in good health.
- Michelle Obama