Quotes about Temptation
The closer you are to God, the farther you are from the devil.
- Billy Graham
The devil's overriding goal is to block God's work— and if he can convince you God doesn't really love you, or that you can't fully trust Him, then he has blocked God's work in your life and achieved his goal.
- Billy Graham
The Bible says there is a certain pleasure in sin. However, it is short-lived and fatal.
- Billy Graham
There is a difference between sin and sins. Sin is the root; sins are the fruit.
- Billy Graham
Sin—plain, old-fashioned sin, the self-same sin which caused Adam's downfall—is what we are all suffering from today, and it will do us far more harm than good to try to dress it up with a fancy, more attractive label.
- Billy Graham
We constantly pass up the rich and beautiful and ennobling experiences and seek out the tawdry, the cheap, and the degrading. These are the works of the devil, and they flourish on every side!
- Billy Graham
We constantly pass up the rich and beautiful and ennobling experiences and seek out the tawdry, the cheap, and the degrading. These are the works of the devil, and they flourish on every side!
- Billy Graham
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 TIMOTHY 6:10 NIV
- Billy Graham
An unbelieving world may say otherwise, but so-called "sexual liberation" is actually sexual slavery—slavery to our own lusts.
- Billy Graham
The devil is a master at making us question God and His Word. Twisting Scripture . . . taking a verse out of context . . .deceiving us into thinking God is mean-spirited—these are some of Satan's favorite tricks.
- Billy Graham
It has always been a mark of decaying civilizations to become obsessed with sex. When people lose their way, their purpose, their will, and their goals, as well as their faith . . . they go "a whoring." It is a form of diversion that requires no thought, no character, and no restraint.
- Billy Graham
We must be constantly aware that Satan can take any human effort and twist it to serve his own purposes.
- Billy Graham