Quotes about Temptation
It is a true saying of good Archbishop Leighton: 'The way of sin is down hill; a man cannot stop when he would.
- JC Ryle
Don't think," whispers Satan: he knows that an unconverted heart is like a dishonest businessman's financial records, they will not bear close inspection. "Consider your ways," says the Word of God--stop
- JC Ryle
We may be very sure that men fall in private long before they fall in public. They are backsliders on their knees long before they backslide openly in the eyes of the world. Like Peter, they first disregard the Lord's warning to watch and pray; and then, like Peter, their strength is gone, and in the hour of temptation they deny their Lord. The world takes notice of their fall, and scoffs loudly. But the world knows nothing of the real reason.
- JC Ryle
Prayer and temptation, the Bible and meditation, make a true minister of the gospel.
- JC Ryle
He that would be safe from the acts of evil, must widely avoid the occasions.
- JC Ryle
Without thorough conviction of sin, people may seem to come to Jesus and follow Him for a little while, but they will soon fall away and return to the world.
- JC Ryle
Without temptation the soul cannot grow.
- James Allen
The source and cause of all temptation is in the inward desire; that being purified or eliminated, outward objects and extraneous powers are utterly powerless to move the soul to sin or to temptation.
- James Allen
As a man purifies his heart, temptation ceases, for when a certain unlawful desire has been taken out of the heart, the object which formerly appealed to it can no longer do so, but becomes dead and powerless, for there is nothing left in the heart that can respond to it.
- James Allen
Called by the sirens and followed by an albatross.
- Lydia Millet
God also puts His people in the middle of things for the same reason that He put the tree of temptation in the middle of the garden--so that our choice to follow Him would be a conscious, daily one. Every time we publicly choose to live for Christ, He is glorified.
- Lynn Austin
I need to stay continually watchful, prepared with the whole armor of God if I want to combat the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil.
- Lynn Austin