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Quotes about Temptation

Though his face is covered with fat and his waistline bulges with flesh,
- Job 15:27
Though evil is sweet in his mouth and he conceals it under his tongue,
- Job 20:12
though he cannot bear to let it go and keeps it in his mouth,
- Job 20:13
“I have made a covenant with my eyes. How then could I gaze with desire at a virgin?
- Job 31:1
If my heart has been enticed by my neighbor’s wife, or I have lurked at his door,
- Job 31:9
so that my heart was secretly enticed and my hand threw a kiss from my mouth,
- Job 31:27
Be careful that no one lures you with riches; do not let a large bribe lead you astray.
- Job 36:18
When you see a thief, you befriend him, and throw in your lot with adulterers.
- Psalm 50:18
But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled; my steps had nearly slipped.
- Psalm 73:2
Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure; in innocence I have washed my hands.
- Psalm 73:13
They willfully tested God by demanding the food they craved.
- Psalm 78:18
do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, in the day at Massah in the wilderness,
- Psalm 95:8