Quotes about Temptation
However, in order to have a positive testimony, it is necessary to have successfully overcome some hardship or opposition. The painful part is what we must go through while we are being tempted and tested; the glorious part comes after we have finished going through the trial and can then testify of the great victory and God's great faithfulness. We have no testimony without a test.
- Joyce Meyer
and decide you really do want a hot fudge sundae! Go ahead and eat it. It is continual excess that causes trouble—not occasional liberties. God created a wide variety of foods for us to eat. Every good food God made, you can eat.
- Joyce Meyer
That is the way we are to resist Satan when he comes to tempt us into condemnation, depression or any other wrong thing he is trying to give us.
- Joyce Meyer
What should you do if you know what you should do but you just don't want to do it?
- Joyce Meyer
Idolatry consists in harnessing God for our purposes, regarding Yahweh as a reliable ally in our interests, so that God finally becomes useful to us.11 That usefulness is a temptation of all zealous religion, conservative or liberal.
- Walter Brueggemann
It seems that those God has called to lead often face much opposition and much temptation. Pray that their ministry will be powerful, and pray genuinely that they and their families would thrive under God's protection.
- Darlene Zschech
God speaks through Peter to tell us to stay wide-awake in prayer. We get busy with so many distractions that we forget what matters and fall asleep in our spiritual lives. When we sleep spiritually, we forget how many people around us are lost in their sins; we put ourselves in the way of temptation; we stop asking God what His will is for our lives and demand our own way.
- Darlene Zschech
I've failed many times to avoid those kinds of temptations. But that's not what the devil was really interested in. What he was trying to do is make me feel apart from God. Now I know that what Satan would like most to take from us is our true knowledge of who we are—which is children of God.
- James Bryan Smith
What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?
- James Garlow
I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
- James Garlow
The greatest lie the devil ever told is that he doesn't exist.
- James Garlow
Satan mounts his mutiny against God through a deceitful stronghold: God is untrustworthy. In subtle and not-so-subtle ways, he places God's heart on trial by whispering insidious lies: "God is holding back on you. He wants you to jump through hoops in order to earn His love. He's stingy. He doesn't have your best interest in mind. You're better off trusting in yourself. Your resources and functional saviors work better then waiting and trusting in Him.
- James MacDonald