Quotes about Temptation
Ignoring a temptation is far more effective than fighting.
- Rick Warren
This next sentence is one of the most important spiritual truths you will ever learn: God develops the fruit of the Spirit in your life by allowing you to experience circumstances in which you're tempted to express the exact opposite quality! Character development always involves a choice, and temptation provides that opportunity.
- Rick Warren
The Bible tells us to speak the truth in love because we can't have community without candor. Solomon said, An honest answer is a sign of true friendship. Sometimes this means caring enough to lovingly confront one who is sinning or is being tempted to sin.
- Rick Warren
The safest road to hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.
- CS Lewis
For to pretend that men may live habitually sinful lives without any attempt by the Spirit to mortify sin in them, nor with any desire for repentance, is to deny the Christian religion.
- John Owen
All the cunning of the devil is exercised in trying to tear us away from the word.
- Martin Luther
Satan's first strategy is to keep religion intellectual.
- Rick Joyner
The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn.
- Martin Luther
Which would you part with first -- your tobacco, your whiskey, or your religion?
- Brigham Young
Wondering if God loves us when we're cheating? Oh, but why he lets us feel things, if it's wrong.
- Dolly Parton
O! I shall soon despair, when I shall seeThat Thou lovest mankind well, yet wilt not choose me, And Satan hates me, yet is loth to lose me.
- John Donne
Satan's greatest power was not that he could inflict evil. His greatest power was to make the sons of God forget who they were.
- Deepak Chopra