Quotes about Temptation
Only powerful, rescuing grace can take you from "Let me do what I want to do" to "Guard me against the temptation to do what you know is best for me not to do.
- Paul David Tripp
Suffering makes us susceptible to the one voice we should never hear and that will always do us harm.
- Paul David Tripp
The central lie of Satan to all God's suffering children comes in the form of this question: "Where is your God now?" The lie embedded in this question is that our suffering is clear evidence that we have been forsaken by God.
- Paul David Tripp
You never have to feel or act as if you're alone in your suffering, because the One who sits on the throne at the right hand of the Father not only faced all the things that you now face, but he also faced the myriad of temptations that you and every other sufferer faces.
- Paul David Tripp
The scary deception of sin is that, at the point of sinning, sin doesn't look all that sinful.
- Paul David Tripp
The scary deception of sin is that, at the point of sinning, sin doesn't look all that sinful.
- Paul David Tripp
I still lack humility. I still tend to make life about my plan, my feelings, my desires, and my expectations. I am still tempted to assess the "good" of a day by whether it pleased me versus whether I pleased God and was loving toward others. I still am tempted to live as if I own my life and still fail to remember that I was bought with a price.
- Paul David Tripp
when we are living in the middle of difficulty, we are tempted to view it as a sign of God's unfaithfulness or inattention.
- Paul David Tripp
Here it is. When the enemy somehow tricks you into squeezing the size of your life to the size of your personal dreams, wants, and needs, he has got you right where he wants you.
- Paul David Tripp
Not knowing is hard. It would be nice to know if that elder is going to succumb to the temptation of being divisive. It would be nice to know if the finances of the church are going to rebound. It would be nice to know how that new preaching series will be received, if those young missionaries will make all the adjustments that they need to make, or if you'll get the permits to build that needed worship space.
- Paul David Tripp
True biblical love doesn't just accept you, bless you with patience, and greet your failures with forgiveness. Along with all these things, it works to do everything it can to protect you from the eternal weaknesses of heart that make you susceptible to temptation.
- Paul David Tripp
Worshiping the creation is never a pathway to life; it leads you in the opposite direction.
- Paul David Tripp