Quotes about Home
But a wide sea voyage severs us at once. It makes us conscious of being cast loose from the secure anchorage of settled life, and sent adrift upon a doubtful world. It interposes a gulf, not merely imaginary, but real, between us and our homes--a gulf, subject to tempest, and fear, and uncertainty, rendering distance palpable, and return precarious.
- Washington Irving
If you are as happy, my dear sir, on entering this house as I am in leaving it and returning home, you are the happiest man in this country.
- James Buchanan
Communion over loneliness. Death not an end, but a beginning. At home in the absolute—and absolutely unknown—future.
- James Carroll
Back home, this Catholic kid was accustomed to a Protestant culture's condescension, but here he could see for himself the world-historic glories of Catholicism... [A Catholic American soldier's reaction to seeing St. Peter's Basilica during WWII.]
- James Carroll
Children are not casual guests in our home. They have been loaned to us temporarily for the purpose of loving them and instilling a foundation of values on which their future lives will be built.
- James Dobson
The vast majority of those who are unchurched are not actively seeking a church home. Further, they are divorced from seeing it as a need in their life, even when they are open to and interested in spiritual things.
- James Emery White
In our homes, where we work, in our friendships, we come inevitably to a fork in the road where we must decide, "Will I forgive that?" If the answer is yes, we go forward together in love. If we choose "no, I will not forgive," at that point we will tend to amplify the fault we observe to excuse our withdrawal into bitterness. Everyone loses—and the gospel most of all.
- James MacDonald
When we fail to assist people responding to the gospel at church, we train our people to repeat that failure at home and at work.
- James MacDonald
Men act like men at home when they realize they will be held responsible for how well they represented God to their family.
- James MacDonald
there's nothin' like Christian feelin's for upsettin' a man's domestic comfort.
- Dorothy Sayers
Then, with many false starts and blank feet, returning and filling and erasing painfully as she went, she began to write again, knowing with a deep inner certainty that somehow, after long and bitter wandering, she was once more in her own place. Here, then, at home …
- Dorothy Sayers
there's nothin' like Christian feelin's for upsettin' a man's domestic comfort.
- Dorothy Sayers