Quotes about Creature
Immutability and impeccability (non-liability to sin) are qualities which essentially distinguish the Creator from the creature.
- AW Pink
Moreover, in the exercise of His sovereignty God never enforces the responsibility of the creature; and unless we keep both of these steadily in view, we not only become lopsided, but lapse into real error. The grace of God must not be magnified to the beclouding of His righteousness, nor His sovereignty pressed to the exclusion of human accountability.
- AW Pink
A creature, considered as such, has no rights. He can demand nothing from his Maker; and in whatever manner he may be treated, has no title to complain.
- AW Pink
It is impossible to bring the Almighty under obligations to the creature; God gains nothing from us.
- AW Pink
He is a good creature, and more sensible than any one would imagine," said Dorothea, inconsiderately. "You mean that he appears silly." "No, no," said Dorothea, recollecting herself, and laying her hand on her sister's a moment, "but he does not talk equally well on all subjects." "I should think none but disagreeable people do," said Celia, in her usual purring way.
- George Eliot
Time is a gift and a threat because we are bodily creatures. We only come into existence through the bodies of others, but that very body destines us to death. We must be born and we must die.
- Stanley Hauerwas
God's creative design was that your ravenous appetite for pleasure find fulfillment in Him, for nothing more wonderfully reveals His glory than the joy the creature has in its Creator.
- Sam Storms
He cutteth off your love to the creature, that ye might learn that God only is the right owner of your love, sorrow, loss, sadness, death or the worst things that are, except sin:
- Samuel Rutherford
I love his words, "The happiness of the creature consists in rejoicing in God, by which also God is magnified and exalted." But I also love to say it my way: God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.
- John Piper
The end of the creation is that the creation might glorify [God]. Now what is glorifying God, but a rejoicing at that glory he has displayed?"32 "The happiness of the creature consists in rejoicing in God, by which also God is magnified and exalted."33
- John Piper
God's respect to the creature's good, and his respect to himself, is not a divided respect; but both are united in one, as the happiness of the creature aimed at is happiness in union with himself.
- John Piper
This delight which God has in his creature's happiness cannot properly be said to be what God receives from the creature. For it is only the effect of his own work in and communications to the creature, in making it and admitting it to a participation of his fullness, as the sun receives nothing from the jewel that receives its light and shines only by a participation of its brightness.
- John Piper