Quotes about Creature
Keep a clear eye toward life's end. Do not forget your purpose and destiny as God's creature. What you are in His sight is what you are and nothing more. Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take nothing you have received, but only what you have given; a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage.
- St. Francis Of Assisi
Therefore our natural desire for knowledge cannot come to rest within us until we know the first cause, and that not in any way, but in its very essence. The first cause is God. Consequently the ultimate end of an intellectual creature is the vision of God in His essence" (The Divine Trinity, Chapter 104).
- St. Thomas Aquinas
All who call the Holy Ghost a creature we pity, on the ground that, by this utterance, they are falling into the unpardonable sin of blasphemy against Him.
- St. Basil
God help thee, old man, thy thoughts have created a creature in thee; and he whose intense thinking thus makes him a Prometheus; a vulture feeds upon that heart forever; the vulture the very creature he creates.
- Herman Melville
It's an all-fired outrage to tell any human creature that he's bound to hell.
- Herman Melville
As the "no" of Eve proves that the creature was made by love and is therefore free, so thy Fiat proves that the Creature was made for love as well.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Peace also implies order, the subordination of the body to the soul, of the senses to reason, and of the creature to the Creator.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
There are dozens of references to God in the Scriptures for every one to the figure of Satan. This reflects a sometimes forgotten theological truth that the devil is by no means God's counterpart. He is a creature, not the Creator.
- John Ortberg
The tongue is a boneless creature that is more deadly than a rattlesnake, and lurking behind the enamel fence of your teeth, it is always ready to strike.
- John Hagee
A spiritual and saving knowledge of God is the greatest need of every human creature.
- AW Pink
To argue that God is "trying His best" to save all mankind, but that the majority of men will not let Him save them, is to insist that the will of the Creator is impotent, and that the will of the creature is omnipotent. To throw the blame, as many do, upon the Devil, does not remove the difficulty, for if Satan is defeating the purpose of God, then, Satan is Almighty and God is no longer the Supreme Being.
- AW Pink
Many have most foolishly said that it is quite impossible to show where divine sovereignty ends and creature accountability begins. Here is where creature responsibility begins: in the sovereign ordination of the Creator. As to His sovereignty, there is not and never will be any "end" to it!
- AW Pink