Quotes about Creature
Men say they only learn this but he said that no creature can learn that which his heart has no shape to hold.
- Cormac McCarthy
For man as an historical creature has desires of indeterminate dimensions.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
For God can have no Delight or Union with any Creature but because his well-beloved Son, the express Image of his Person, is found in it.
- William Law
There can be no Goodness and Happiness for any intelligent Creature, but in and by this two-fold Life; and therefore the Union of the Divine and human Life, or the Son of God incarnate in Man, to make Man again a Partaker of the Divine Nature, is the one only possible Salvation for all the Sons of fallen Adam, that is, of Adam dead to, or fallen from his first Union with the Divine Life.
- William Law
For Nature and Creature, without the Christ of God or the Divine Life in Union with it, is and can be nothing else but this mere Emptiness, Hunger, and Want of all that which can alone make it good and happy.
- William Law
For the Life of the Creature, whilst only creaturely, and possessing nothing but itself, is Hell; that is, it is all Pain and Want and Distress. Now nothing, in the Nature of the Thing, can make the least Alteration in this creaturely Life, nothing can help it to be in Light and Love, in Peace and Goodness, but the Union of God with it, and the Life of God working in it, because nothing but God is Light, and Love, and heavenly Goodness.
- William Law
And, therefore, where the Life of God is not become the Life and Goodness of the Creature, there the Creature cannot have the least Degree of Goodness in it.
- William Law
The most beautiful of altars, he said, is the soul of an unhappy creature consoled and thankfing God.
- Victor Hugo
If I was a nightingale I would sing like a nightingale; if a swan, like a swan. But since I am a rational creature my role is to praise God.
- Epictetus
If God is to create or to preserve a creature, God must be present and must make and preserve God's creation both in its innermost and outermost aspects.
- Martin Luther
God's creative design was that your ravenous appetite for pleasure find fulfillment in Him, for nothing more wonderfully reveals His glory than the joy the creature has in its Creator.
- Sam Storms