Quotes about Sanctification
Jesus did not die just to save us from the penalty of sin, nor even just to make us holy in our standing before God. He died to purify for Himself a people eager to obey Him, a people eager to be transformed into His likeness.
- Jerry Bridges
Progressive sanctification is not a partnership with the Spirit in the sense that we each - the believer and the Holy Spirit - do our respective tasks. Rather, we work as He enables us to work. His work lies behind all our work and makes our work possible.
- Jerry Bridges
Scripture speaks of a holiness which we have in Christ before God and a holiness which we must strive after.
- Jerry Bridges
We are brought into God's kingdom by grace; we are sanctified by grace; we receive both temporal and spiritual blessings by grace; we are motivated to obedience by grace; we are called to serve and enabled to serve by grace; we receive strength to endure trials by grace; and finally, we are glorified by grace. The entire Christian life is lived under the reign of God's grace.
- Jerry Bridges
God never grants justification without also giving sanctification at the same time ... Sanctification in us begins as an instantaneous act of the Holy Spirit and is carried forward by His continued action in our lives.
- Jerry Bridges
No one can attain any degree of holiness without God working in his life
- Jerry Bridges
All fancied sanctification which does not arise wholly from the blood of the cross is nothing better than Pharisaism. If we would be holy, we must get to the cross, and dwell there; else, notwithstanding all our labour, diligence, fasting, praying and good works, we shall be yet void of real sanctification, destitute of those humble, gracious tempers which accompany a clear view of the cross.
- Jerry Bridges
The experience of holiness is not a gift we receive like justification, but something which we are clearly exhorted to work at.
- Jerry Bridges
The only safe evidence that we are in Christ is a holy life.
- Jerry Bridges
Holiness, then, is not necessary as a condition of salvation—that would be salvation by works—but as a part of salvation that is received by faith in Christ.
- Jerry Bridges
The heart of sanctification is the life which feeds on justification.
- Tullian Tchividjian
There is a strange impulse in many to protect Bible characters and to use them as inspiration... as if sanctification happens as a result of emulation.
- Tullian Tchividjian