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Quotes about Sanctification

As a general rule, in the long run of life, it will be found true that sanctified people are the happiest people on earth. They have solid comforts that the world can neither give nor take away.
- JC Ryle
it wise to proclaim in so bald, naked, and unqualified a way as many do, that the holiness of converted people is by faith only, and not at all by personal exertion? Is it according to the proportion of God's Word? I doubt it. That
- JC Ryle
will never hesitate to tell people that inward conflict is no proof that a person is not holy, and that they must not think they are not sanctified because they do not feel entirely free from inward struggle. We will doubtless have such freedom in heaven, but we will never enjoy it in this world.
- JC Ryle
The best public worship is that which produces the best private Christianity. The best Church Services for the congregation are those which make its individual members most holy at home and alone. If we want to know whether our own public worship is doing us good, let us try it by these tests. Does it quicken our conscience? Does it send us to Christ? Does it add to our knowledge? Does it sanctify our life? If it does, we may depend on it, it is worship of which we have no cause to be ashamed.
- JC Ryle
Simply put, where there is no sanctification of life, there is no real faith in Christ.
- JC Ryle
Justification is regarding and judging a person to be righteous for the sake of another, even Jesus Christ the Lord. Sanctification is actually making a person inwardly righteous, though it may be in a very small degree.
- JC Ryle
In justification, our own works have no place at all, and simple faith in Christ is the one thing needful. In sanctification, our own works are of great importance, and God instructs us to fight, watch, pray, strive, try, and work. Justification is a finished and complete work, and a person is perfectly justified the moment he believes. Sanctification is an imperfect work, comparatively, and will never be perfected until we reach heaven.
- JC Ryle
Sanctification is the only certain evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which is essential to salvation.
- JC Ryle
Basically, where there is no sanctification there is no regeneration, and where there is no holy life there is no new birth.
- JC Ryle
Justification gives us our claim to heaven and boldness to enter in. Sanctification makes us suitable for heaven and prepares us to enjoy it when we dwell there.
- JC Ryle
just as we know there is a wind by the effect it produces on waves and trees and smoke, so we can know that the Holy Spirit is in a person by the effects He produces in the person's conduct. It is foolish to think that we have the Spirit if we do not also walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). We can depend on it as an absolute certainty that where there is no holy living, there is no Holy Spirit. The seal that the Spirit stamps on Christ's people is sanctification
- JC Ryle
A sanctified person will try to do good in the world. He will try to lessen the sorrow and increase the happiness of all around him. He will strive to be like his Master, full of kindness and love to everyone — not in word only, by calling people "dear," but by deeds and actions and self-denying work, according as he has opportunity.
- JC Ryle