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Quotes about Atonement

And ultimately, If you sin against an infinitely holy and eternal God, you are infinitely guilty and worthy of eternal punishment.
- David Platt
Instead of inflicting upon us the judgment we deserved, God in Christ endured it in our place.
- John Stott
Christ exposed Himself not only to the unbridled hostility of angry men, but, more significantly, to the unmitigated wrath of God.
- RC Sproul
God is more ready to pardon that we have been to sin.
- Catherine of Siena
The sweetest fragrance, the most beautiful aroma that God has ever detected emanating from this planet, was the aroma of the perfect sacrifice of Jesus that was offered once and for all on the cross.
- RC Sproul
God grades on the Cross not on the curve.
- Adrian Rogers
The atonement in Jesus Christ's blood is perfect; there isn't anything that can be added to it. It is spotless, impeccable, flawless. It is perfect as God is perfect.
- AW Tozer
When God accepts a sinner, He is, in fact, only accepting Christ. He looks into the sinner's eyes, and He sees His own dear Son's image there, and He takes him in.
- Charles Spurgeon
God Himself was crucified with Christ, for Christ was one with the Father.
- Ellen White
To be a Christian is to realize that in your sin, you were separated from God's presence, and you deserved nothing but God's wrath.
- David Platt
The central Christian belief is that Christ's death has somehow put us right with God and given us a fresh start.
- CS Lewis
The true gospelstands before the throne of God declaring, 'Jesus did it all.'
- RC Sproul Jr.