Quotes about Atonement
When Christ died, He died for you individually just as much as if you'd been the only man in the world.
- CS Lewis
The church becomes a community called atonement every time it reads the story of Jesus and every time it identifies itself with that story and every time it invites others to listen in to hear that story. Reading Scripture and listening to Scripture and letting Scripture incorporate us into its story is atoning.
- Scot McKnight
Before we can begin to see the cross as something done for us (leading us to faith and worship), we have to see it as something done by us (leading us to repentance)." And: "As we face the cross, then, we can say to ourselves both 'I did it, my sins sent him there' and 'he did it, his love took him there.
- Scot McKnight
The atonement is designed by God to restore cracked Eikons into glory-producing Eikons by participation in the perfect Eikon, Jesus Chirst, who redeems the cosmos. To be an Eikon, then, is to be charged with a theocentric and missional life. Prior to the fall, Adam and Eve did what they were supposed to do: they "eikoned." And cracked Eikons are being restored so that they can eikon now and so that they will eikon forever.
- Scot McKnight
May we sit at the foot of the cross; and there learn what sin has done, what justice has done, what love has done.
- John Newton
If you want to see what judgment looks like, go to the cross. If you want to see what love looks like, go to the cross.
- DA Carson
God does not love us because Christ died for us; Christ died for us because God loved us.
- John Stott
The love of our Lord Jesus Christ towards sinners is strikingly shown in His steady purpose of heart to die for them.
- JC Ryle
To get right with God, we need to utter three difficult words: "I have sinned." God cannot forgive the sin we will not confess!
- Greg Laurie
The love demonstrated on Calvary is the center of the gospel, for it reveals the beauty of God himself.
- Gregory Boyd
Take this, all of you, and drink from it: this is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me.
- Robert Barron
There is a what-the-hell moment in life when you feel you have been pre-punished for every sin you'll ever commit.
- Robert Brault