Quotes about Atonement
There is no death of sin without the death of Christ.
- John Owen
Christ's intercession is the continual application of his death to our salvation.
- John Calvin
Whatever else we may say about it, the atonement fulfills the Jewish principle that only one who has been hurt can forgive. At Calvary, God chose to be hurt.
- Philip Yancey
Forgiveness, and only forgiveness, can begin the thaw in the guilty party.
- Philip Yancey
Calvary broke up the logjam between justice and forgiveness. By accepting onto his innocent self all the severe demands of justice, Jesus broke forever the chain of ungrace.
- Philip Yancey
On the one hand God passionately loved the people he had made; on the other hand, God had a terrible urge to destroy the evil that enslaved them. On the cross, God resolved that inner conflict, for there God's Son absorbed the destructive force and transformed it into love.
- Philip Yancey
Atonement is fundamental to the Torah, but much of the modern world has either forgotten its importance or deliberately rejected it.
- Dennis Prager
The blood of Christ is the visible, eternal evidence of the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf. When we come in the name of Jesus, we come in the merits of the blood that He shed on our behalf.
- Derek Prince
According to Christian belief, Jesus is our Saviour, not by virtue of what He said, not even by virtue of what He was, but by what He did. He is our Saviour, not because He has inspired us to live the same kind of life that He lived, but because He took upon Himself the dreadful guilt of our sins and bore it instead of us on the cross. Such is the Christian conception of the Cross of Christ.
- J. Gresham Machen
Satan was defeated on the cross.
- Louie Giglio
Again Jesus cried out in a loud voice. Then he died. Then the curtain in the Temple split into two pieces. —MATTHEW 27:50—51
- Louie Giglio
Jesus' sacrifice eliminated the sin nature separating man from God's presence since the fall of Adam.
- John Bevere