Quotes about Atonement
If He gave Himself into death for our sins, then undoubtedly He is not a tormentor. He is not One who will cast down the troubled, but One who will raise up the fallen and bring propitiation and consolation to the terrified.
- Martin Luther
Learn to believe that Christ was given, not for picayune and imaginary transgressions, but for mountainous sins; not for one or two, but for all; not for sins that can be discarded, but for sins that are stubbornly ingrained.
- Martin Luther
Those who hear the Word of the Gospel concerning Christ are sprinkled with the blood of the Son of God.
- Martin Luther
Not only are all men without exception declared to be guilty in God's sight, they are slaves to the sin that makes them guilty.
- Martin Luther
The vicious character of sin is brought out by the words "who gave himself for our sins." So vicious is sin that only the sacrifice of Christ could atone for sin.
- Martin Luther
For this Victor has accomplished everything. There is nothing for us to add to what He has done - neither the blotting out of our sin nor victory over the devil and death.
- Martin Luther
There is no means to take sin away but grace alone. That
- Martin Luther
Sin brought death, and death will disappear with the disappearance of sin.
- Mary Baker Eddy
By his stripes you are healed.
- Melody Carlson
If people can be saved and accepted by God the Father apart from the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross, then why was He crucified?
- Michael Youssef
When 'biblical' theologies ignore the gospels, something is clearly very wrong." (on atonement theories)
- NT Wright
The disciples wanted a kingdom without a cross. Many would-be "orthodox" or "conservative" Christians in our world have wanted a cross without a kingdom, an abstract "atonement" that would have nothing to do with this world except to provide the means of escaping it.
- NT Wright