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Quotes about Disciples

But the Pharisees and their scribes complained to Jesus’ disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”
- Luke 5:30
Then they said to Him, “John’s disciples and those of the Pharisees frequently fast and pray, but Yours keep on eating and drinking.”
- Luke 5:33
One Sabbath Jesus was passing through the grainfields, and His disciples began to pick the heads of grain, rub them in their hands, and eat them.
- Luke 6:1
When daylight came, He called His disciples to Him and chose twelve of them, whom He also designated as apostles:
- Luke 6:13
Simon, whom He named Peter, and his brother Andrew; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew;
- Luke 6:14
Matthew and Thomas; James son of Alphaeus and Simon called the Zealot;
- Luke 6:15
Then Jesus came down with them and stood on a level place. A large crowd of His disciples was there, along with a great number of people from all over Judea, Jerusalem, and the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon.
- Luke 6:17
Looking up at His disciples, Jesus said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
- Luke 6:20
Soon afterward, Jesus went to a town called Nain. His disciples went with Him, accompanied by a large crowd.
- Luke 7:11
Then John’s disciples informed him about all these things.
- Luke 7:18
So John called two of his disciples and sent them to ask the Lord, “Are You the One who was to come, or should we look for someone else?”
- Luke 7:19
One day Jesus said to His disciples, “Let us cross to the other side of the lake.” So He got into a boat with them and set out.
- Luke 8:22