Quotes about Body
Like a spring of pure water, God's peace in our hearts brings cleansing and refreshment to our minds and bodies
- Billy Graham
Learn to relax. Your body is precious, as it houses your mind and spirit. Inner peace begins with a relaxed body.
- Norman Vincent Peale
I sing the body electric.
- Walt Whitman
Poetry too is a little incarnation, giving body to what had been before invisible and inaudible.
- CS Lewis
Beauty is the virtue of the body as virtue is the beauty of the soul
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Too much consistency is as bad for the mind as for the body.
- Aldous Huxley
I allow the healing power in my body to manifest perfect health.
- Louise Hay
For we must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." [2 Cor. v. 10]
- William Law
And now, Sir, you may see in the greatest Clearness how every Thing in this World, every Thing in the Soul and Body of Man, absolutely requires the one Redemption of the Gospel.
- William Law
For you are to observe, that Body begins not from itself, nor is any Thing of itself, but is all that it is, whether pure or impure, has all that it has, whether of Light or Darkness, and works all that it works, whether of Good or Evil, merely from Spirit.
- William Law
For nothing, my Friend, acts in the whole Universe of Things but Spirit alone. And the State, Condition, and Degree of every Spirit, is only and solely opened by the State, Form, Condition, and Qualities of the Body that belongs to it. For the Body can have no Nature, Form, Condition, or Quality but that which the Spirit that brings it forth, gives to it.
- William Law
There will be no sickness for the saint of God. ... If your body belongs to God, it does not and cannot belong to sickness.
- Benny Hinn