Quotes about Churches
Jesus spoke of miracles because he saw all of life as miraculous. Miracles appear to us as the eyes of our hearts are opened, and we see clearly. But, as defined by the churches, a miracle is a monstrosity—something contrary to nature, rather than in harmony with it. Jesus respected Moses and the Hebrew prophets, but didn't limit himself to repeating their insights. He spoke from the heart, not from a book, and brought forth a new revelation: the divinity of the soul.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Unless we learn how to humbly tell each other our giving stories, our churches will not learn to give.
- Randy Alcorn
Suppose churches taught that God is happy and that he is the source of all happiness. Suppose Christians believed that God calls them to view work, play, music, food, and drink as gracious gifts from God's hand to be responsibly enjoyed within the parameters of his commands.
- Randy Alcorn
Imagine if our churches were known for being communities of Jesus-centered happiness, overflowing with the sheer gladness of what it means to live out the good news of great joy. Imagine if our children brought their friends to church and their comment was, "Those people seem so nice . . . and happy.
- Randy Alcorn
Nothing is more poisonous than the spirit of entitlement that permeates our culture and sometimes, sadly, our churches.
- Randy Alcorn
This song is called 'To Be a Martyr for the Lord.' It's very popular in house churches.
- Randy Alcorn
There are many churches that teach doctrine, and that is good. We all need a strong foundation of good solid doctrine. But along with that doctrine, we also need to know how to live our lives. If
- Joyce Meyer
The weariness and serenity of the churches just now make it a good time to study the prophets and get rid of tired misconceptions. The dominant conservative misconception, evident in manifold bumper stickers, is that the prophet is a fortune-teller, a predictor of things to come (mostly ominous), usually with specific reference to Jesus.
- Walter Brueggemann
Churches closing at a rate of six thousand per year in North America are not doing so because of worship style or form of government or methodology. They are failing because regardless of your preference on those points, it's pointless to deny the true cause behind debates and divisions—a failure to love.
- James MacDonald
Only 9 percent of evangelicals tithe to their churches. Eight hundred new church plants survive each.
- James MacDonald
In no instance have the churches been guardians of the liberties of the people.
- James Madison
Neil Cole wryly notes, "If you can't reproduce disciples, you can't reproduce leaders. If you can't reproduce leaders, you can't reproduce churches. If you can't reproduce churches, you can't reproduce movements."
- Alan Hirsch