Quotes about Churches
The Puritans removed organs and paintings from churches, but bought them for private use in their homes.
- Leland Ryken
Churches we build only by our own efforts and not in the strength of the Spirit will quickly collapse when we don't push and prod people along.
- Francis Chan
The first-century churches were locatable, identifiable, visitable communities that met regularly in a particular locale.
- Frank Viola
St. Paul's churches were indigenous churches in the proper sense of the word; and I believe that the secret of their foundation lay in his recognition of the church as a local church (as opposed to our 'national churches') and in his profound belief and trust in the Holy Spirit indwelling his converts and the churches of which they were members, which enabled him to establish them at once with full authority.
- Roland Allen
Spontaneous expansion must be free: it cannot be under our control; and consequently it is utterly vain to say, as I constantly hear men say, that we desire to see spontaneous expansion, and yet must maintain our control. If we want to see spontaneous expansion we must establish native Churches free from our control.
- Roland Allen
Now wonder our youth is confused and in pain; they long for God, for the transcendent, and they are offered, far too often, either piosity or sociology, neither of which meets their needs, and they are introduced to churches which have become buildings that are a safe place to go to escape the awful demands of God.
- Madeleine L'Engle
Our children... have a passionate need for the dimension of transcendence, mysticism, way-outness. We're not offering it to them legitimately. The tendency of the churches to be relevant and more-secular-than-thou does not answer our need for the transcendent. As George Tyrrell wrote about a hundred years ago, If a [man's] craving for the mysterious, the wonderful, the supernatural, be not fed on true religion, it will feed itself on the garbage of any superstition that is offered to it.
- Madeleine L'Engle
When there's something in the Bible that churches don't like, they call it 'legalism.'
- Leonard Ravenhill
Look not to legislatures and churches for your guidance, nor to any soulless incorporated bodies, but to inspirited or inspired ones.
- Henry David Thoreau
The Lord has given gifts to us as well, which, like Israel's of old, are also assignments: children, ministries, churches, cities, nations and many other things.
- Dutch Sheets
Churches can become places of cynicism, resistance, and pessimism.
- John Ortberg
My last request is that all the faithful ministers of Christ would, without any more delay, unite and associate for the furtherance of each other in the work of the Lord and for the maintaining of unity and harmony in His churches, and that they would not neglect their brotherly meetings to those ends, nor yet spend them unprofitably, but improve them to their edification and the successful carrying on of the work.
- Richard Baxter