Quotes about Churches
Some people have said that man has improved . . . [and] that if Christ came back today, He would not be crucified but would be given a glorious reception. Christ does come to us every day in the form of Bibles that we do not read, in the form of churches that we do not attend, in the form of human need that we pass by. I am convinced that if Christ came back today, He would be crucified more quickly than He was two thousand years ago. Sin never improves. Human nature has not changed.
- Billy Graham
Peace conferences are held almost daily by governments, civic organizations, and churches. But the Scripture teaches that peace and safety will not come in any lasting way until the Prince of Peace, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, comes and rules and reigns in our world.
- Billy Graham
The devil has successfully fooled many churches, convincing them to follow the world. Biblical standards have been compromised by convenient social theories.
- Billy Graham
The fiercest storm is taking place in some of our churches—the unbelief and disobedience of God's Word.
- Billy Graham
We must repent of our prayerlessness. We must make prayer our priority. Even our churches today have gotten away from prayer meetings.
- Billy Graham
Millions of young people are shifting from one side to the other. They are like unguided missiles filled with energy and ambition and yet somehow not "fitting in." Peer pressure leads them astray … [and] in thousands of churches they are led astray theologically.
- Billy Graham
In some churches and religious television programs, we see an effort to make Christianity popular and always positive. This may be a comfortable cushion for those who find the hard facts too difficult.
- Billy Graham
Today we see social evil, terrorism, and gross immorality throughout the world. Someone has said, "A wrong deed is right if the majority of people declare it not to be wrong." By this principle we can see our standards shifting from year to year according to the popular vote! This new permissiveness is condoned by intelligent men and women, many of whom are found in the churches.
- Billy Graham
In some churches today and on some religious television programs, we see the attempt to make Christianity popular and pleasant. We have taken the cross away and substituted cushions.
- Billy Graham
In thousands of churches [people] are led astray theologically. Thus spiritually and morally they are drifting aimlessly, without compass or guide.
- Billy Graham
Today our churches are filled, but how many are actually practicing Christianity in daily life?
- Billy Graham
A survey reported that the majority of the seminaries [in the United States] had no classes on prayer. That really shouldn't surprise us when we consider how many local churches offer classes on gardening and the "Art of Conversation" instead of the study of God's Word and prayer.
- Billy Graham