Quotes about Self-examination
TURN your attention upon yourself and beware of judging the deeds of other men, for in judging others a man labors vainly, often makes mistakes, and easily sins; whereas, in judging and taking stock of himself he does something that is always profitable.
- Thomas a Kempis
If thou canst not make thine own self what thou desireth, how shalt thou be able to fashion another to thine own liking. We are ready to see others made perfect, and yet we do not amend our own shortcomings.
- Thomas a Kempis
Nothing will make us so charitable and tender to the faults of others, as, by self-examination, thoroughly to know our own.
- Og Mandino
A man should demand much from himself, but little from others. When you meet a man of worth, think how you may attain to his excellence. When you meet an unworthy one, then look within and examine yourself.
- Confucius
The Master said, "When you meet persons of exceptional character think to stand shoulder to shoulder with them; meeting persons of little character, look inward and examine yourself.
- Confucius
He polished the underside of the messtray with the sleeve of his shift and standing in the center of the room under the lightbulb he studied the face that peered dimly out of the warped steel like some maimed and raging djinn enconjured there.
- Cormac McCarthy
Beware of no man more than of yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us.
- Charles Spurgeon
In the end you have only you.
- Leo Buscaglia
must look at you with the eyes of David in Psalm 139:
- Timothy Lane
Look at your life through the eyes of your Redeemer. Let him reveal your behavior and your heart as well. The courage of self-examination leads to the hope of lasting personal change when God is involved. Emmanuel has entered your story and nothing will ever be the same again!
- Timothy Lane
people don't criticize themselves for anything, no matter how wrong it may be.
- Dale Carnegie
Such planning should include identifying the things in your life that you believe trouble Jesus—impatience, overeating, lying, or whatever it may be for you.
- Dallas Willard