Quotes about Temple
Ah, Monsieur Priest, you love not the crudities of the true. Christ loved them. He seized a rod and cleared out the Temple. His scourge, full of lightnings, was a harsh speaker of truths. When he cried, 'Sinite parvulos,' he made no distinction between the little children. It would not have embarrassed him to bring together the Dauphin of Barabbas and the Dauphin of Herod. Innocence, Monsieur, is its own crown. Innocence has no need to be a highness. It is as august in rags as in fleurs de lys.
- Victor Hugo
What does the quarter-back do after handing off? He runs to the perimeter and blocks. Or tries to block. I tried to throw a block at the cornerback but his knee got me right on the temple. I remember thinking, 'boom.'
- Oliver Luck
Eligibility for a temple recommend is not based on financial worth. That has nothing whatever to do with it. It is based on consistent personal behavior, on the goodness of one's life. It is not concerned with money matters, but rather with things of eternity.
- Gordon Hinckley
That is Jeremiah's accusation: "You have found a safe place, haven't you! This nice, clean temple. You spend all week out in the world doing what you want to do, taking advantage of others, exploiting the weak, cursing the person who isn't pliable to your plans, and then you repair to this place where everything is in order and protected and right.
- Eugene Peterson
Therefore run together as into one temple of God, as to one altar, as to one Jesus Christ, who came forth from one Father, and is with and has gone to one.
- Ignatius of Antioch
The soul is a temple; and God is silently building it by night and by day. Precious thoughts are building it; disinterested love is building it; all-penetrating faith is building it.
- Henry Ward Beecher
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, and His robe filled the temple. Isaiah 6:1
- Beth Moore
After three days, they found Him in the temple complex sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Luke 2:46
- Beth Moore
God said to me, "You are not to build a house for My name because you are a man of war and have shed blood." 1 Chronicles 28:3
- Beth Moore
Exercise and proper eating habits are very important, since the Bible says that the body is God's holy temple, but I don't think that superbodies equate with committed Christian discipleship. Some of the greatest saints I've known have been those with physical infirmities.
- Billy Graham
Take care of your body; the Bible calls it "a temple of the Holy Spirit" [1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV.
- Billy Graham
The scripture is filled with examples of genuine masculinity; you could mine David's story for probably a year by itself. And we have to get the masculinity of Jesus back. Not the pale-faced altar boy, but the man that made a weapon and cleared the temple, who boldly cast out demons and calmed the raging sea.
- John Eldredge