Quotes about Self-sufficiency
No longer will they build houses for others to inhabit, nor plant for others to eat. For as is the lifetime of a tree, so will be the days of My people, and My chosen ones will fully enjoy the work of their hands.
- Isaiah 65:22
you who rejoice in Lo-debar and say, ‘Did we not take Karnaim by our own strength?’
- Amos 6:13
For each one should carry his own load.
- Galatians 6:5
nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. Instead, in labor and toil, we worked night and day so that we would not be a burden to any of you.
- 2 Thessalonians 3:8
We command and urge such people by our Lord Jesus Christ to begin working quietly to earn their own living.
- 2 Thessalonians 3:12
But when you see yourself as an individual first, you are freed to think for yourself, and you become internally self-sufficient. You start to break free from the bonds of racial conformity, and you start to see the good and bad in everyone, irrespective of their color. You start to be less angry, and as you let go of anger you are empowered to love God, your family, and your country.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
You're able to make a real difference. If a woman's able to step away financially, she's able to begin to do all the other work.
- Kerry Washington
Never learn to do anything: if you don't learn, you'll always find someone else to do it for you.
- Mark Twain
We may not realize it, but a crucial step in building a healthy economy is helping people move from welfare to work.
- Todd Young
The beauty of independence, departure, actions that rely on themselves.
- Walt Whitman
Self-sufficiency which first reared its head in the Garden of Eden, is the most fatal sin because it pulls us as if by a magnet that their lack of self-sufficiency is obvious to them every day. They must turn somewhere for strength, and sometimes they go through life relying on their natural gifts. But there's a chance, just a chance, that people who lack such natural advantages may cry out to God in their time of need.
- Philip Yancey
Self-sufficiency, which first reared its head in the Garden of Eden, is the most fatal sin because it pulls us as if by a magnet away from God.
- Philip Yancey