Quotes about Central
This does not mean that the knowledge of the world, church history, theology, philosophy, and the Scriptures is without value. Such knowledge can be very useful.[105] But it is not central. Theological competence and a high-voltage intellect alone do not qualify a person to serve in God's house.
- Frank Viola
My biggest concern about the effects of the prosperity movement is that it diminishes Christ by making him less central and less satisfying than his gifts.
- John Piper
Trust is central to an economy that works.
- Stephen Covey
It is important that we never separate our love for God from our love for others. For loving our neighbors as ourselves is one central way we love God.
- Gregory Boyd
Love is the central command in Scripture and judgment the central prohibition. Indeed, judgment is the "original sin" in Scripture. This is why the forbidden tree in the center of the garden—the prohibition around which life in the garden revolved—was called the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil."
- Gregory Boyd
Our fundamental sin is that we place ourselves in the position of God and divide the world between what we judge to be good and what we judge to be evil. And this judgment is the primary thing that keeps us from doing the central thing God created and saved us to do, namely, love like he loves.
- Gregory Boyd
The central commandment is in relation to the person. But religion today has lost sight of the person. Religion has become an impersonal affair, an institutional loyalty. It survives on the level of activities rather than in the stillness of commitment. It has fallen victim to the belief that the real is only that which is capable of being registered by fact-finding surveys.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
With this approach, every message should have one central idea, application, insight, or principle that serves as the glue to hold the other parts together.
- Andy Stanley
Philip Nation is right when he says the foundational truth of discipleship is this: "Love is the central discipline of the Christian life. Everything else will flow from that as the centerpiece of spiritual formation.
- Ed Stetzer
If we are to begin to push back against this, we have to understand how meditating on God's Word is central to worldview formation.
- Ed Stetzer
He was liberal in his determination to understand the Biblical writers historically He was orthodox in his belief that the Bible was "dictated" by the Spirit. He was "neo-orthodox" in making Christ who came to save sinners central to the whole Bible.
- John Calvin
The birth of Christ is the central event in the history of the earth-- the very thing the whole story has been about.
- CS Lewis