Quotes about Service
God often uses us at our point of greatest incompetence.
- Mark Batterson
Potential is God's gift to us, and what we do with it is our gift to God.
- Mark Batterson
From the secular to the sacred, we can focus on ourselves or others.
- Mark Batterson
All of us want to do amazing things for God, but that isn't our job; it is God's job. Our job is simply to consecrate ourselves by yielding our will to His will. And if we do our job, God will do His job.
- Mark Batterson
You don't need wealth or position or power to make a difference. You just need to do the best you can with what you have where you are. And if you are faithful in Babylon, God will bless you in Jerusalem.
- Mark Batterson
When God puts a passion in your heart, whether it be relieving starvation in Africa or educating children in the inner city or making movies with redemptive messages, that God-ordained passion becomes your responsibility. And you have a choice to make. Are you going to be irresponsibly responsible or responsibly irresponsible?
- Mark Batterson
Potential is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.
- Mark Batterson
The opposite of a slave is not a free man. It's a worshiper. The one who is most free is the one who turns the work of his hands into sacrament, into offering. All he makes and all he does are gifts from God, through God, and to God.
- Mark Buchanan
To be a missionary you don't have to cross the sea, you just have to see the cross.
- Mark Cahill
Never leave the impression that you're the hero or the smartest
- Mark Dever
the most basic level of commitment by a Christian to his church is surprisingly substantial.
- Mark Dever
In many ways a church is simply a group of people who are living lives of love (John 13:34—35) because they all agree on how they have been loved in Christ.
- Mark Dever