Quotes about Service
Provided that God be glorified, we must not care by whom.
- Francis de Sales
As many serve the Virgin as serve God.
- Bernardino of Siena
He who spins before the poor, inviting them to do likewise, serves God as no one else does.
- Mahatma Gandhi
We, Jesus' followers, are the agents assigned to carry out God's will on earth. Too easily we expect God to do something for us when instead God wants to do it through us.
- Philip Yancey
If we do not roll up our sleeves to the task of the Gospel in our days, then we will amount to virtually nothing for God.
- Alistair Begg
We get to be God's plan for the whole world by pointing people toward Him.
- Bob Goff
A "godly" person is one who ceases to be self-centered in order to become God-centered.
- Charles Swindoll
It's not our church; it's God's - it's not our responsibility to run it!
- Charles Swindoll
The church was made for mission-God's mission
- Christopher Wright
Sacrifice self to bless one another, even as God has blessed you. Forget self in laboring for mankind.
- Mary Baker Eddy
They too, are created by the same loving hand of God which Created us...It is our duty to Protect Them and to promote their well-being.
- Mother Teresa
You haven't done the will of God when you have done it miserably.
- Mother Teresa