Quotes about Service
God's purpose is not to perfect me to make me a trophy in His showcase; He is getting me to the place where He can use me. Let Him do what He wants.
- Oswald Chambers
Anyone with the maturity to surrender entirely to God is mature enough for God to use.
- Beth Moore
Some unanswered prayers are only because God doesn't want to do something for us. He wants to do something through us.
- Bill Johnson
If we give God service it must be because He gives us grace. We work for Him because He works in us.
- Charles Spurgeon
Holy service in constant fellowship with God is heaven below
- Charles Spurgeon
Jesus washing the disciples feet is the most supreme act of humility in all of God's word.
- James MacDonald
You cannot obey God without your obedience spilling out in a blessing to all those around you.
- Adrian Rogers
I used to think you had to be special for God to use you, but now I know you simply need to say yes.
- Bob Goff
My only joys therefore are that when God has given me a work to do, I have not refused it.
- CT Studd
For nothing, how little soever, that is suffered for God's sake, can pass without merit in the sight of God.
- Thomas a Kempis
Oh, that I could dedicate my all to God. This is all the return I can make Him.
- David Livingstone
I have never ceased to rejoice that God has appointed me to such an office.
- David Livingstone