Quotes about Source
When you connect to your source, you can create anything you'd like to have in your life.
- Wayne Dyer
What the soul cries out for is the resurrection of the senses. Even in this life, matter would be nothing to us if it were not the source of sensations.
- CS Lewis
Madness is badness of spirit, when one seeks profit from all sources.
- Aristotle
I believe that what Genesis suggests is that this original self, with the print of God's thumb still upon it, is the most essential part of who we are and is buried deep in all of us as a source of wisdom and strength and healing which we can draw upon or, with our terrible freedom, not draw upon as we choose. I think that among other things all real art comes from that deepest self - painting, writing music, dance, all of it that in some way nourishes the spirit.
- Frederick Buechner
The theological virtue of hope is the patient and trustful willingness to live without closure, without resolution, and still be content and even happy because our Satisfaction is now at another level, and our Source is beyond ourselves.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
What, then, should we strive for in life? Right thoughts, beneficial actions, honest speech, and a cheerful disposition. These things are in harmony with, and flow from, the eternal Source of all.
- Marcus Aurelius
As for the adverse publicity, they could squelch it at source, since the media Corps controlled what was news and what wasn't. And the Internet was such a jumble of false and true factoids that no one believed what was on it any more, or else they believed all of it, which amounted to the same thing.
- Margaret Atwood
Because a human is a someone and not a something, the source of human life must also be a Someone - not the blind, automatic forces of nature, as philosophies like naturalism and materialism tell us.
- Nancy Pearcey
The inquiry leads us to that source, at once the essence of genius, of virtue, and of life, which we call Spontaneity or Instinct.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
God is not just the starting point of your life; he is the source of it.
- Rick Warren
There will come into every life moments of despair and the need for direction from a divine source-even an unspoken plea for help.
- Thomas Monson
God is the source of Light and Life and yet He is above and beyond all these. God is conscience.
- Mahatma Gandhi